Spotlight Profiles showcases Spotlight First Novel Award 2023 winner Linda Temienor-Vincent with her novel, How to Marrie a Rich Man.
Spotlight First Novel Award highlights writers at a key stage and offers transitional support. Now in its twelfth year, the success rate continues to rise. A growing number of previous winners are now published, including Philip Bowne, Kate Swindlehurst, Zoe Gilbert and Anne Madden.
Spotlight Profiles
Profiles are designed to bridge the transition from completing a first novel to preparing for publication. This is an opportunity to consider image, pitch and presentation within a professional context. This is a pre-publication stage devised to build confidence and offer some key insight into how the publishing industry operates.
What makes a winning entry?
Linda’s novel brings the classic rags to riches story bang up to date with a stubborn and determined young heroine, Miracle trying to make her way on the hard scrabble streets of contemporary Lagos in Nigeria. The key elements of successful fiction are here – an evocative title, an intriguing premise and a striking first page.
How to Marrie a Rich Man is definitely a novel to watch out for!
Spotlight First Novel Award celebrates its thirteenth anniversary next year. For your chance to win go to Spotlight First Novel Award.